Good Deeds
While the primary mandate of the Calgary Bar Association is to encourage and promote cordial relations among members of the Calgary bar, the CBA has a long and proud tradition of involvement in the community.
A few of our charitable activities are noted below.
2018 CBA President Susan Pepper presenting a donation of $20,000 to Arla Liska, CEO of the Calgary Drug Treatment Court
Charitable Donations
The CBA is committed to supporting worthwhile causes, either by adding a charitable component to our events or through direct donation when possible. The CBA believes that this support reflects the strong commitment of our members to charitable and community work and fundraising.
The Calgary Bar Association is proud to have provided assistance to organizations in our community, including:
The Calgary Drug Treatment Court
Calgary Handibus Association
Calgary Interfaith Food Bank
Calgary Legal Guidance
Courthouse Education Program
Fuel for School
Heritage Park Law Office
The Legal Archives Society of Alberta
The Mustard Seed
Sheldon Kennedy Child Advocacy Centre
Alberta Lawyers Assistance Society
LEAD Alberta (Lawyers for Equity, Access and Diversity) - Iris Barry Yake Robe Bank
We also assist Pro Bono Law Alberta by facilitating the Judges In Aprons auctions at QC Dinners and Judges' Dinners.
See our blog for more updates on our Good Deeds over the years!
The Great Bar Band Battle
For the past several years, the Calgary Bar Association has been very pleased to serve as Presenting Sponsor for the Great Bar Band Battle.
The event features bands consisting of lawyers and other members of the Alberta legal community, each competing for the coveted Bar Band Battle Championship Cup, and raising funds in support of access to justice initiatives and organizations.
The 2018 event raised at total of $33,300 in support of Calgary Legal Guidance.