Thank you for taking a minute to read an update of what we have been up to over the past year in an effort to entice you to renew your membership.

Our mandate is fairly simple: give money to worthy legal causes in our fine city and make the practice of law a little more fun and a little more civil. For the last 130 years we have always believed that it is more difficult to be sharp or nasty on a file if you have seen opposing counsel in cowboy boots at the Whoop-Up or in a curling sweater at our bonspiel.  Whenever we bump into counsel from across the country, the common theme is that practicing in Calgary has a different feel to it.  It seems less cut- throat and more collegial. The Calgary Bar Association would like to take some credit for teaching the Edmontonians and Torontonians that in Calgary we, of course, do it better.

Why should you renew your membership right now? Because without your support we can’t fund the following initiatives:

  • Milvain Chair in Advocacy: In 1979, the Calgary Bar Association helped to establish the first Visiting Chair in Advocacy in conjunction with the U of C Trial Advocacy program.  This year we proudly increased our contribution to this fine event and enjoyed attending with our friends at the U of C Faculty of Law.  This year’s chair Brian Greenspan brought his insight and experience to the program followed by a lecture on the importance of oral advocacy in the face of increased reliance on written materials.      

  • Calgary Bar Association Collegiality Bursary: This year a deserving U of C law student received $5,400 thanks to the endowment made in our name several years ago which continues to grow and churn out a healthy scholarship every year.

  • Calgary Child Advocacy Centre: The CCAC received the benefit of our annual charity golf tournament in the amount of $10,640. Thanks to all the firms who brought the hacks who bought mulligans and enjoyed an amazing day at the Banff Springs course.

  • Legal Archives Society of Alberta: The LASA received $10,000 to assist with their oral history project.  

  • Calgary Drug Treatment Court: The CDTC received $10,000 to assist with their ongoing operations.

  • Great Bar Band Battle Society: We are happy to continue our partnership this year to assist in putting on this fun, packed event showcasing the musical talent of our legal community while supporting access to justice charities.

  • Student Legal Assistance: SLA received support for their anniversary gala featuring the Honourable Sheilah Martin of the Supreme Court of Canada.

None of these events or contributions could have happened without the hard work of our Executive team consisting of the following dedicated volunteers:

  • Gord Sterchi, Vice President

  • Jody Sutherland, Treasurer

  • Aaron Bickman, Secretary

  • Adriano Iovinelli, QC, Senior Member

  • Melanie Gaston, Middle Member

  • Deven Singhal, Junior Member

The Executive will be assisted this year by the wise counsel and steady hand of Past President Jerry Patterson. Jerry, please accept our gratitude for many years of commitment to our mandate and many hours sacrificed from a busy practice. We promise not to disappoint you with bad wine at the QC dinner.  

Judge Susan Pepper was the latest to be stolen from our ranks by the long reach of the judiciary, thankfully closer to the end of her term as Past President. We miss you Susan - remind your new colleagues of the benefits of membership!  

Mark your calendars and put up our posters for the following events:

  • Curling Bonspiel: April 3rd at the Glencoe Club. Check our Event page for registration info.

  • QC dinner is back: May 21st at the Westin.  We sold out the Judges’ Dinner last year, so buy tickets early. There might be a backlog of QC’s wanting adoration (and roasting) from a full house.  This event is reserved for Calgary Bar Association members only. See our Event page for ticket purchase information.

  • Great Bar Band Battle: May 28th at the Palace. Calgary Bar Association members will get 2 free drink tickets. More info is online at:

  • Stampede Whoop-Up: July 7th at a NEW LOCATION — EXCLUSIVE roof top patio party.  We felt that the porta-potty, massive loud tent scene had run its course andwe w anted a more intimate (and better-smelling) experience this year.  We have secured a deal on the huge new rooftop patio at Craft on 10th Avenue for our members and guests only. Don’t worry about bumping into the angry litigant you out-negotiated, the repeat offender you put away or the deadbeat parent you squeezed for child support. You only need to worry about other members this year.  Guaranteed exclusive patio access for the first 400 members and their guests.

  • Banff Springs Charity Golf Tournament: Save the date for September 11th 2020. This event sold out last year.

Of course you have to purchase or renew your Membership in order attend these events. We have tried to make renewal as seamless as possible, and have included the information with this package. Buy for your firm or organization with a list and a cheque or buy individually online with a credit card. Go tell the managing partner right now that you work hard and you want to give back to the legal community while establishing important relationships with colleagues.

We look forward to seeing all of you at our events in the upcoming year.


Jay Headrick
Calgary Bar Association